
Starting Points - Autumn

Hey everyone:) So I'm currently 10 weeks post relaxer and into my transition. My last trim was about 4 weeks ago. It's a little weird looking because I don't think I distributed the oil well enough.

 The picture above is what my hair looks like after I washed it with Hair One. I love this stuff!! I used the argan oil one for curly hair. They have about 4 or 5 different kind( for dry hair, for dandruff or sensitive scalp, etc). It is so moisturizing! Its a shampoo/conditioner/detangler/leave-in conditioner all in one so I don't need as many products in the shower. I detangled athen rinsed it out after five minutes and put in a dime sized amount as a leave-in. Then, without combing it, I let it air dry for about 10 minutes and add a heat protectant and a few drops of olive oil. Next, I blow dryed it an warm heat-low speed. - Autumn


Big Chop

Hey ladies! If you have big chopped and want to be featured on Natural Sisters, send your responses and 2-3 pictures(No inappropriate pics) to amberautumnwash@hotmail.com

  • Were you a long term or short term transitioner, why?
  • What was your first reaction?
  • How did people react to your decision?
  • Did you ever regret doing the big chop?


Big CHops and Transitioning!

Hey Chicas:) For those of you that don't know:
Big chop - When you cut off all of the relaxed hair and let your natural texture grow out.
Transitioning - When you wait for your natural hair texture to grow out to your desired length and then you cut off the relaxed hair. Eventually you will do the big chop.

I'm deciding to transition for as long as possible. My other option would be to do the big chop and then wear braids with extensions. I just don't think I could get used to having hair that short! I like it on other people but not me. What do you guys think? Big Chop or Transition?

My Intro

Hey everyone! My name is Autumn my sister and I started this blog together:) My posts will be in a red-ish color and Amber's will be in a different color. On our first post(I'm the short one in the picture), we mentioned that we would elaborate on our reasons for going natural. I want to start off saying that I'm not anti-relaxer. I've seen alot of women with healthy relaxed hair but it's really a personal choice. I kinda feel like my hair is manufactured, or like I didn't really grow it myself. I wanna be able to say "I grew it myself" or "its all natural", you know?  I don't really know what my natural hair texture is yet, but I can't wait for the day when I get to rock my big curly hair! I want something new and more versatile. Alrighty, I guess I'm done. Tell me your reasons of why your going natural:)

Why Natural??

We each have separate reasons for going natural (which we will elaborate on later), but we both agree that we want healthy hair. After seeing so many successful journies online and beautiful pictures of natural hair, we decided to finally stop relaxing. The online community has been so helpful and we hope we can give back by sharing our story as well.

One day while we were looking at an old picture of ourselves, it occurred to us that our hair used to be so much healthier when we were younger (and that was while it was relaxed). Over the years there has been so much damage and breakage from relaxers. Who knows how big and full our hair would be if it stayed in it's natural texture. We can't even remember what our natural texture looks like. Hopefully, by using the knowledge from online, we can finally get what we want: OUR hair back!


Natural And Lovin' It

For those of you ladies out there who want to flaunt your love for your au naturale hair, send your responses and 2-3 pictures(no inappropriate pics) to amberautumnwash@hotmail.com

  • How long have you been natural?
  • Have you had any weird experiences with people(stranger) touching your hair?
  • Has someone ever told you your hair wasn't real? If so what was your reaction? Or how do you think you would react?
  • What is your regimen?
  • Do you like being natural?
  • Do you thing being natural has changed your personality, confidence, or style? 

Why I'm Going Natural

If you want to share your reasons for going natural, send your response and 1-2 pictures(optional but no inappropriate pics) to amberautumnwash@hotmail.com

  • What does going natural mean to you?
  • Why are you going natural?
  • Has it changed your personality/confidence/or style?
Be featured as a long term or short term transitioner

If your a transitioner and want to be featured on Natural Sisters, send your responses and 2-3 pictures(No inappropriate pics) to amberautumnwash@hotmail.com

  • How long did/do you plan to transition?
  • Have you big chopped? If not, do you plan to?
  • What is your regimen?
  • Is it difficult at the stage your at?
  • Why are you choosing to go natural?